About us

Passionate towards innovation, speed and performance


HKKR Global is a privately-owned algorithmic trading firm with a diversified presence across multiple markets and exchanges. Our focus is on managing proprietary funds and we contribute to the market by providing liquidity across various asset classes. We have a strong presence in the Delhi-NCR region, operating from four offices, and our organization is supported by a dedicated group of approximately 400 traders. ​ 

HKKR Global has consistently achieved exceptional performance.We have maintained an impressive track record of zero drawdown and have generated healthy returns, even during periods of extreme market volatility, over the past few years.​


The company embodies the four core pillars of

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Mr. Mehra, a highly skilled option trader, brings an acute understanding of market dynamics and consistently ranks among the top performers in our firm. With over two decades of trading experience, he is widely recognized as one of India's foremost professional traders. Leading a robust trading desk, Mr. Mehra actively employs option strategies across diverse market segments.He also plays a pivotal role in mentoring and guiding a group of traders, providing them with continuous coaching to achieve favourable trading outcomes. His exceptional track record and commitment to excellence make him an invaluable asset to our organisation's success.
Mr. Chand is a success-driven and diligent trader at HKKR, is also the co-founder, possessing extensive knowledge and over two decades of experience in the stock market. As an exemplary trader, he directs his focus towards the analytics division and trains the young minds of our firm, nurturing their excellence in the field of trading. Since the inception of the company, Mr. Chand has consistently strived to adapt to evolving market trends and technological advancements, ensuring a competitive edge. His unwavering commitment to core values of integrity, innovation, and client satisfaction remains a guiding force for the organization .
Mr. Yadav, a visionary and leader with over two decades of experience, has been instrumental in spearheading the group's transformation and consolidating its diverse operations into the formidable entity known as HKKR Global. With unwavering support for his team, he has been the driving force behind the company's remarkable success. Mr. Yadav's strategic acumen and expertise have played a pivotal role in fostering cutting-edge technology development and forging strategic alliances at HKKR. His extensive experience in the capital markets has earned HKKR Global a prominent reputation within the Indian stock market business community, showcasing his strong business acumen and leadership skills.
Our company's resounding success is deeply indebted to its visionary founder, Mr. Ramesh Singh. His unwavering determination to shape a promising future has been instrumental in driving our achievements. With an impressive two decades of experience in the stock market, Mr. Singh's expertise has played a pivotal role in his transformation from an employee to a thriving first-generation entrepreneur. As the co-founder responsible for internal management, he adeptly handles various aspects of our organisation's operations. Diligently managing , streamlining processes, and fostering a productive work environment, his keen eye for detail and exceptional organisational skills ensure operational efficiency across departments.


Empowering People, Driving Excellence

Our people are core of our business and we believe that people are happy when they are intellectually challenged and fairly rewarded. We provide a competitive, highly professional and transparent work environment, a flat structure with minimal hierarchy.

At HKKR Global, collaboration is key. We have an informal atmosphere and our employees work with intensity and with their whole hearts in order to reach the highest level of excellence as a team.